Wow 2019 went by way too quickly! Are you with me? This fall just zoomed by for me especially! Luckily I decided to do early Christmas shopping this year so December was blessedly more enjoyable.
The biggest challenge I faced in 2019 was needing and getting the left total hip replacement. Thanks to Facebook memories, I found that I had been suffering with hip pain since at least 2012. My chiropractor did a good job of keeping me out of the orthopedics office for 6.5 years before he actually said it’s time to go.
I am glad I went. In addition to the osteoarthritis I had trochanteric bursitis. He treated that with injections of steroids. It didn’t work until the very last one. But that uncovered the bone on bone pain that was even evident while swimmming. Even shopping at Wal-Mart would leave me in pain that could bring me to tears.The surgery on April 30th went so well. I am now 9 months out. I still have the annoying leg length difference but am getting used to it. I still get some nerve zingers and zaps. My IT band and piriformis muscles still like to tighten alomst daily but I use this knobby rolling pin massager and it feels so much better. My skin is pretty sensitive on part of my thigh but it’s not painful.
My surgeon asked if I would do it again. Heck yea. I can walk miles a day now without being in agony. I sat criss cross applesauce (there has got to be another name for that) the other day and I giggled like a school girl once I realized what I was doing!
Oh – bad news, I did develop trochanteric bursitis again and I got another cortizone injection. That sucks and the injection didn’t work but I am taking aleve daily per his recommendation and between lots of stretching and the rolling, it is helping.
Work was so much more enjoyable this year. The first time out in the field, I was nervous but it went well! I walked and walked in a wet fen area and up and down hills. All the PT I did really paid off. I also got to do a brief temporary detail as a District Ranger. I really enjoyed that. I wasnt sure that would ever be a career path for me but I do believe if the right opportunity were to present itself to me, I would apply. I am starting the new year in another temporary detail – this time in a Staff Officer position. I am excited to give this path a shot!
I am so proud of my family over this past year too. My oldest daughter maintained straight A’s in her surgical technology program. My youngest daughter also maintained high grades in her degree programs. My grandkids are doing well in elementary school. Brian did a detail for the Southern region this fall too. It wasn’t his cup of tea but it went well.
I am looking forward to 2020. I pray that you find health, peace and joy.