printed musical note page

Music – It Moves Me

I love listening to music. I love singing – mostly in the shower or in the car! Choosing a favorite genre is impossible. I love it all! My mood dictates what I am listening to most of the time. Sometimes I want music to just chill with, sometimes, I want music in the background while I am working or reading (usually classical). There are times I want to rock, times I want to listen to throw backs to my youth (a lot of times this is where I land to be honest), and there are times I use music for worship and prayer.

Image by Theresa Davidson. My headphones and phone!

Music has the power to move a person or to make a person move! Here is some music that moves me. I have included YouTube links to some of the songs.

Image by Theresa Davidson; My Echo Show playing Lord I Need You by Matt Maher

These are just some of the songs that move me. What songs move you?


Doorways – part 2

“And when they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast and the door was shut. Afterwards the other maidens came also, saying Lord, Lord, open to use. But He replied, “Truly, I say to you, I do not know you. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” – Matthew 25:10-13

Here is another doorway we will all be faced with. It is a little scarier to think about this one. I mean, it’s joyful on the one hand – described as going to the marriage feast! Who doesn’t love a wedding party. Or more specifically, who doesn’t want to enter the gates of heaven? This passage tells us we have to be ready to enter through that doorway at any time – or else we will be wailing on the other side! We don’t know the day or hour of our death or the Lord’s coming. It’s sobering news, isn’t it?

How do we get and stay ready? We need to be so grateful for God’s mercy. We need to stay in relationship with Jesus! I used to hear that, and I wasn’t sure what that meant or how to do it. We do it through prayer, through reading the Bible and pondering His words. How is He trying to speak to you through the Word?

We are supposed to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). What does that mean and how do we do it? There are many books explaining various ways to do that, but I will share what I try to do (I definitely need to keep working on it). For me it can look like reading the mass (bible) readings for the day – and read or listen to a reflection on it. If I am really on my “game,” I will try to relate it to my life, I may even journal on it. Throughout the day I try to thank God for different things. If I am bird watching or just out in nature in general, I am always overjoyed and amazed by God’s creation and artistry. I pray for the ability to be a good steward of God’s creation. I also pray for the ability to somehow capture His creation creatively – either through my art or my photography, writing (this blog, poetry (been a while), or in my journal). I thank God for getting a green light when I need to get somewhere, or for a red light when I need to grab something in my car!

Image by Theresa Davidson – Sunflower after rain 2022

I ask the Holy Spirit to guide my words if someone needs my counsel or to help keep my mouth shut in situations where my temper may be tested (I really need to work on both of these because well, let’s just say, I need help). I like to use a prayer journal and pour my prayer into it. And of course, I attend Sunday mass.

We also need to make sure we are right with God. I am so grateful for the sacrament of reconciliation. I make not like it – it’s so humbling, isn’t it? But I am grateful for the gift of God’s mercy.

Stay ready for that doorway to open to you! I would love to hear ways you pray constantly or your favorite form of prayer.


Image By Theresa Davidson at C&O Canal in Pennsylvania 2022

Doorways – Prayer (part 1)

Have you ever gotten to a closed door and felt trepidation or maybe excitement at what might be on the other side? Doorways can be portal to new adventures or a path to bad news. An open door is usually easier to go through than a closed door – at least for me anyway. You can take a peek into the open doorway; and see what is just beyond, but a closed door just lends itself to mystery.

Have you ever thought of your prayer as a doorway? Luke 11:9-13 says “And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

We are knocking on Heaven’s door when we pray! When we bring our needs and the needs of others to God’s door, we will be answered! I know the hard truth that sometimes the answer is “no” or “not yet.” But sometimes that answer is a “yes” and that answer sometimes comes very quickly. I prayed for years for a close relative to be healed of their health issues, and they never were. But God had other plans and I am seeing how all of it worked out for good. I have seen the power of prayer work miracles – healing that could not be explained. The thing is we have to pray, and we have to pray with faith. Faith that God hears and answers our prayers. And then we have to thank God for hearing and answering our prayers.

Bringing our needs to God and even asking others to pray for us takes courage. It exposes our vulnerabilities and areas out of our control. AH, isn’t that the key! So often I want to be in control, I want my will to be done, my way, and now. It’s often after that doesn’t work, that then I go to God, exhausted with all my efforts, and then really pray for His will to be done. I need to learn how to get over myself, over my need to be I control, and go to God first. I mean I pray daily and all, but when stuff hits the fan, I usually want to dive in and solve problems and control the situation! Am I alone in this? Tell me I am not! I would love to hear how you have worked to overcome this or how you are working it.

Pray for me friends! I will pray for you too. Keep on knocking on Heavens door.
