It has been a while since I have posted. I cant believe it has beem almost 6 months since I had my left hip replaced! I am still very pleased with the results, the leg length difference is not holding me back.I have been out in the field, hiking up and down hills, walking through mucky fens, and splashing through streams. I may get a little wonder depending on the pace of the group I am with but my hip has no pain and its not locking up or slipping out on me. I no longer feel the fear of maybe having to call for a rescue! It is wonderful! That bone on bone pain is gone!I still get muscle stiffness and my nerves still zing or tingle. But I can roll out the muscles and do stretching exercises and it helps so much. I still see the chiropractor monthly to keep my SI joint and back all aligned because I sometimes walk funmy or I have been driving/sitting too much.I have been walking with a goal of 6000 steps per day and get it most of the time. I have been counting calories and carbs and such too. I need to get my whole body in shape so I don’t need any other replacements.Life has been so busy lately. With school starting for B (3rd grade) and me taking lead for the confirmation and youth group at our church. We have a great team but still need more volunteers! Of course there is work and ⚽ practice and games, not to mention cub scouts and popcorn sales (anyone want some?)!With all of that going on, I have to remember to take time to recharge, pray and find joy. The picture I am including with this post is from tonight. A beautiful double rainbow.Peace.