How are we already halfway through 2023? I haven’t blogged in a while and the only excuse I have is life has been BUSY! There are just so many things vying for my attention. Most of the year I have not even prioritized all of the right things. I am trying to get back on track.
Word of the Year
Even though we are halfway through this year, I am going to memorialize my word of the year. This years’ word is hope. Without hope for a brighter tomorrow, for a future in heaven, I don’t know how to get through the bad times. Living in the present is so important, but having hope keeps me grounded in the things that matter to me. Do you choose a word every year? If so let me know what it is in the comments. Found this on youtube: https://youtu.be/CMiQD7brjgk . Also like this: What Is Hope? | Catholic Answers
Soccer Mom Again
The heading is a little misleading, my grandson has been playing recreational soccer since he was in pre-school. This year he started playing on the towns traveling soccer team. It is so much fun watching him grow stronger as the teams goalkeeper. His team went from the “the bad news bears” (remember that gen x-ers?) to winning their first tournament! They didn’t lose any games in that tournament but tied one against the most experienced team in their division (they beat the same team in the final). To say we were all surprised and proud of them is an understatement. We are halfway through the calendar year with one season down, a summer full of training, and then the fall season. Bring it on. I love it.

Family Fun
We have had a good time with the family in between soccer practice, games, school and work! We had a great easter celebration at my mom’s house. It was a nice day and we celebrated with cascarones (confetti eggs) and other yard games and corn-hole. Of course we went to mass to celebrate the Lord’s resurrection.

Unexpected Storm
I guess you can’t get halfway through a year without some exciting weather, can you? This spring brought a couple of intense rain and wind events, with a little hail thrown in for good measure. Thankfully, we were spared from tornados! But we did get some damage to our house. We have to replace the siding and roof on our house. Some sections of siding were ripped off the house or just up and away from the house. One section became home to a colony of big brown bats. Being the “battyowl” and a wildlife biologist who happens to love bats, I thought that was pretty exciting. Not all people would welcome the bats and the mess they made down the side of the house but I was. I also knew it was temporary. We are replacing the siding after all.
The Lord has come through with his beautiful artistry once again. I have so many pictures of flowers, birds, and landscapes. I will add a few pictures here for you to enjoy. All images are mine. My art could never compare.

Also had fun with the grandkids (and the big kids too) on Memorial day weekend. I tried my hand at taking pictures of them blowing bubbles and the bubbles themselves. All images are mine.

Summer’s Here
Well, this year is halfway through and summer is here. I hope you take time to enjoy time in nature and with your families. May God bless you with wonderful weather – warm sun and lovely drought quenching rains when you need it. Do you have big summer plans?